Grumble Thread

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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by GBOGEY »

Sorry to hear Doug. Our bodies definitely weaken as we age. Are you sure it isn't your back? I've found back issues can manifest themselves in odd ways.
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by legitimatebeef »

Hang in there Dougie. You have overcome worse if I recall correctly.
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by bkuehn1952.2 »

Determining the problem is imperative. Anything that hurts as much as this issue does needs a diagnosis, treatment and rehab. Best of luck finding the right ortho who can see you right now.
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by legitimatebeef »

I like to blame hip issues on too much sitting (in a chair). And not enough squatting too. Not meaning like, the gym exercise, but the everyday utilitarian motion. That people more often do in like, third world countries. Squat down to do work, squat down to take five and smoke a cigarette or something. I guess there is a lot less seating over there. And cavemen probably squatted down a lot too. If we are going to follow the caveman's diet maybe we can take a cue from his biomechanics and shit. But that is neither here nor there, I of course have no idea what is up with our kid Dougie.
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by bkuehn1952.2 »

Yesterday I was called a "punk" by a guy and his wife added "asshole." This is a long saga so if you need to do something else, stop reading here.

Now the rest of the story. I had a full "punch card" for a free round and I figured yesterday was a good time to use it. On weekends it is only good after 2pm so I showed up at 2pm and asked the cluhouse guy if there was a group I could join. No, but I could go to the 1st tee. I ambled over and a short heavy guy who looked older than me and his wife were teeing off. They had country music playing fairly loudly. I sat on the bench and watched, figuring they might ask me to join them. Nope.

They were following a foursome so we moved slowly. On the 3rd tee I asked the twosome behind me if they wanted to join me. Nope. On the 5th hole (long par 4), I hit a fine tee shot into a strong wind (20+ mph) but was still over 200 yards to the FRONT edge of the green. The hole was in the back of the very large green. The twosome I was following parked their cart, like all the previous holes, 2 feet from the front of the green (no handicap flag).

I had a decision to make. I do not hit the ball a long way. My very best 3-wood might have a chance to roll up near the front of the green. I decided to wait until the couple was at the back of the green before I hit. I smacked a good one and it rolled up just short of the green and their cart. I started walking forward. The couple ambled back to their cart. I finished the hole and walked over to the next tee. Then the fun started.

The short stocky guy starts shouting, "I am very sorry for hitting into you." "I am very sorry for hitting into you," as he walked toward me on the 6th tee. He got right into my face and shouted, "I am very sorry I hit into you." I replied that I did not hit into them, my ball rolled 20 yards and was short of the green. He shouted it was sitting close to their cart and I could have hit a sprinkler head. I tried to explain that there was no way I was going to hit them on the back of the green but he just continued to shout that I was just like all the other punks (I am 71 years old) wanting to play through or play faster. They were going to report me to the clubhouse, blah, blah, blah. The wife screamed at me from the forward tee and added "asshole."

At that point, I smiled and stopped trying to reason with him and his spouse. He got really angry, turned around and stomped off.

The only thing I can figure is he was not playing well and was looking for a reason to get angry. He probably did not like my walking up to each tee they were playing from and sitting on the bench. He may have felt my getting close to them on the tee was intimidating or pushy. When I hit my ball near their cart and green, even if no one was in danger of getting hit, that was the perfect moment for him to put me in my place.

p.s. on the 17th hole I had just holed out my putt when I heard a cart barreling down the cart path from the 18th tee. It was Mr. & Mrs. Happy looking very angry. I thought to myself, "Now what?" They zoomed by the green and off toward the 17th tee. I assume they had left a club or something of value on a previous hole. I was a little concerned about them returning and ambushing me from behind but I never saw them again.
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by GBOGEY »

Wow! I must admit I did something like that once where I literally walked 100 yards from the green to yell at a guy in the fairway. In my defense, the guy twice hit a ball over my head while I was on the green. More importantly, I had my two boys with me (they were quite young at the time) and the ball also flew over their heads.

Take some solace in that he called you "punk." Who uses that term anymore?
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Re: Grumble Thread

Post by MattF »

You're a better man than me. I would have told him to sex and travel, and his wife too.
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