Anyone Use the 6-8-10 Formula for Chipping ...

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Anyone Use the 6-8-10 Formula for Chipping ...

Post by bkuehn1952.2 »

... or something similar? The 6-8-10 method refers to the 6 iron, 8 iron and pitching wedge (10). It compares flight in the air versus roll out. I rarely use anything less lofted than a 9 iron and tend to go with either a pitching wedge (lower & more roll) or my 56-degree sand wedge (higher & less roll).

I should practice chipping more as I miss a lot of greens. Some people I play with get up & down much more frequently than I. Some is better putting but in general, they seem to be closer to the hole, on average.
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Re: Anyone Use the 6-8-10 Formula for Chipping ...

Post by GBOGEY »

I assume that this is similar to the rule of 12. I’ve tried to use the rule of 12 over the years but I’ve never been satisfied with the results. I think the issue is that I’m either uncomfortable or just not very good with chipping with an iron whereas I chip well with a wedge.

I generally use my 54 for most chips, partly because I’m pretty accurate with it in hitting my landing spots and partly because the 1:1 flight/roll is easy to figure out. If I’m on fast greens or short sided, I’ll use my 58 which should roll less than 1:1. Lately, since our greens are fast, I’ve used my 48 on occasion with decent results. But try it with a PW and my results get much worse.

One thing I have changed the last few years is long bunker shots- I have no hesitation using a PW or 9i on a long shot as I’m very comfortable with a shorter swing and longer roll out. Funny that this works for me but chipping doesn’t.
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